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What Should You Do in case of an accident
What should I do in case of an accident?
Perform Vital Checks
If you have had a traffic accident, the first thing you should do is to turn off the ignition, even if the vehicle is not running, and quickly check the accident area and the vehicles involved in the accident for any injuries or fuel leaks.

If there is an injury, you should immediately inform the ambulance and 154 Alo Traffic on 112, or the fire brigade on 110 if there is a fuel or gas shortage. If there is no injury in the accident, that is, if only the vehicles are damaged, the accident falls into the status of "Traffic Accident with Material Damage".

Stay Calm and Take Necessary Safety Precautions
After performing important vital checks, you should remain calm and take safety precautions to avoid causing other accidents. For this purpose, you must first place the reflectors, reflectors or illuminated sign devices that are required to be in the vehicles, 30 meters away in the city and at least 100 meters away from the city, depending on the traffic flow.

Take Photos of the Vehicles Involved in the Accident
If possible, you should take photos of the accident from several different angles, without moving the vehicles involved in the accident from the scene. These photos are very important for your insurance company to evaluate the accident. You should try to make the best possible visual representation to those who will evaluate the vehicles by photographing them from different angles. You should especially photograph the impact areas of the vehicles. In addition to photographs, if possible, taking video recordings of the accident scene and the vehicles involved in the accident may be useful for you in the future.

Tow Vehicles to a Suitable Location
If there is nothing preventing the vehicles from moving, pull them to a suitable area and continue the remaining operations there. In this way, you will not cause a new accident and prevent possible traffic congestion in the area where the accident occurred.

Photograph or Make Photocopies of Vehicle Documents of Those Involved in the Accident
Do not forget to take copies of the driver's license, registration and insurance policy of the vehicle or vehicles involved in the accident to give to insurance companies during the damage process. It is enough to take a legible photo. So you don't need to make photocopies.

In Case of Dispute, Call the Police or Gendarmerie
In case of a dispute between the drivers involved in the accident, the police or gendarmerie must be called. However, the arriving police or gendarmerie usually only fill out the accident report in cases of accidents involving material damage. For this reason, the easiest solution is to fill out the report by agreeing to avoid wasting time, except for legal obligations. Since each driver writes his own statements in this process, getting into a discussion would generally be a waste of time.

Keeping an Accident Report
Photograph the licenses, traffic insurance and driver's licenses of the vehicles involved in the accident in a legible manner (you do not need to make photocopies).
In case of disagreement, call the police or gendarmerie.
Fill out the accident report
Remember that all parties involved in the accident must sign the accident report.
If those involved in the accident do not have a driver's license, traffic insurance or are a drunk driver, call the police or gendarmerie without making a report.
In case of even a minor injury, notify the ambulance and law enforcement immediately (even if the injury seems minor to you, do not ignore the possibility that it may be life-threatening in the future).
What Should You Do in case of an accident